
On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 04:10:53PM +0200, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> Yesterday I flashed OS2006 and it worked again without problems. The
> first time it happened I plugin when I turn on the 770. Today, after
> using during some hous, after installing gpe-calendar and load-applet
> it's rebooting again.

Sounds like gpe-calendar and load-applet are behaving suspiciously. :-)
Btw, Are you using swap?

> Do you know how can I obtain the rootfs from inside 770 ? I would like
> to get some files before reflashing again. Can I say to kernel bootstrap

Unfortunately, no.

> that I would like to open a xterm instead of opening all applications ?

The screen flashes white for < 1 sec, few secs after the progressbar at
the bottom of the screen starts to progress.  This is when the X server
starts.  If your device reboots before the progressbar appears or before
this "flash" happens, you wouldn't be able to run any X applications
even theoretically...

        - Eero

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