What's the point to announce such a program so late and with so little
details? To irritate people? I would like to have my discount right
now, if I'm eligible, so that I could buy the device right away, or to
know that I'm not eligible so that I could plan $399 into my budget
for gadgets. At the very least it would be nice to know the time frame
for the program.

On 1/10/07, Kai Schindelka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Correct. But since the selection criteria are quite unclear it looks
> like everybody fears that he might not be detected. Since I'm interested
> in participating, too, I would be happy to at least have some private
> Nokia email adress where I can write a short summery what I do and what
> I plan to do on Nokia 770. I'm currently building up a repoitory of my
> software but there are still some smaller problems to solve to make
> everything smooth and with such unclear election criteria I now either
> must publish unfinished or buggy software in hury at at leats have a
> chance or have to fear to just stay "unseen".

I second that. But if I understood Carlos Guerreiro on this list
correctly, primarily developers that are already active in FOSS projects
contributing to Maemo stand a chance. With only minor contribution
possibilities (compared to being a member of a full-fledged project) and
a focus on administrative tools and usability I'm hesitating to push
things out the door now I for myself still consider unstable anyhow.
Let alone talk about ideas.
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