Daniel Stone wrote:
On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 09:34:38AM +0200, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
You mean, modify every single drawing X request in the X protocol so it
contains flags, meaning that we have to change every drawing-related
function in -- on average -- ten (at least) places in the server
codebase, rendering us incompatible with the standard X server codebase,
as well as the X protocol?

Well, what I meant is instead of having XSPSetPixelDoubling call in Xsp we would have XSPBlitRectangle with addition flags - i.e. something still non-standard but easier to use. If this cannot be done then it is bad luck. If hardware has useful feature which does not fit the design, using extension is not that bad.

The entire concept is a hack around games not running quickly enough in
full resolution.

Yes, if you think different lower resolutions implemented in graphics cards are hacks around games not running quickly then yes. Why not run everything in highest resolution and true color. That will solve all those problems. Well, except the speed. But this is temporary until hardware catches up :-)

Specifying that pixels must be exactly _doubled_ is a
hack around both the performance issues and a lack of resolution
independence.  Apparently an important one, if you happen to like SDL
games, but a hack nonetheless.

Yes limiting ourselves to doubling is bad. Why not to add custom ratio if N800 can do that.

This all leads to request to have some more advanced gaming API. Sadly this is probably not what internet tablets are currently designed for. Gamers are big target group and this device is meant for entertainment so maybe extending target audience to gamers in not that bad idea. Gaming devices are moving online too so this is direct competition. Why to buy internet tablet if better Sony or Nintendo device in future will do this too plus gaming. Unfortunately gaming business has complicated rules similar in complexity to devices with GSM radio. BTW are internet tablets in same Nokia multimedia division as N-Gage?

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