Eero Tamminen wrote:

ext Markku Vire wrote:
If we need one fullscreen app, why not to launch a new X-session that
uses this lower, pixel-doubled resolution and then run our SDL game
there? Other applications would not recognize anything.

Same problem as using framebuffer directly.  How user switches
to another application?   How to invoke power menu properly etc.

So to sum it up - for this to be workable solution, not hack with various nasty side effects it should:

1. not crash due to pixeldoubling mode left turned on by mistake
2. allow system dialogs and infoprints to overlay active window and have normal density (i.e. 800x480)
3. allow SDL apps to use half resolution(s) easily
4. optionally allow to intermix updates both resolutions at it suits developer (not portable, maemo specific port)

4. needs to work anyway due to 2. and also 3. can be written by using 4.

Still this leads me to original suggestion of having pixel doubling to be not persinsten flag but property of rectangle update. If this is not possible to do in X the most sane solution IMO is to hack direct framebuffer access it into SDL to do such updates possibly together with emulating different resolutions in SDL too.

Since we have sources there can be community volunteers to do it (including myself). The question is, does it have any chance to be merged to official firmware? Expecting people to update SDL just for your game is not good.

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