> So please, if you have ideas for improvement have a look to the procedure in
> the roadmap page and file our feature requests in bugzilla.

Sorry for being lazy, but two things I really would like to see in a
platform update,

gcc-4, for it's fvisibilty-hidden feature. Recently built webkit
gdk/cairo and itls about 16Mb. I understood from a qt developer that
the qt build was less than halve in size due to this build flag, which
makes enormous difference for g++ libraries heavily using templates
And, well okay also end user, but how nice would it be to have the
internet tablet as a spare SIP phone for in SOHO usage. Nowadays so
called liveboxes, combined DSL/VoIP, allow access through this
protocol, likewise for PBX boxes.

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

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