"ext Neil MacLeod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sardine has been failing for about 12 days now, and maybe longer -

I wouldn't be using such broad terms; _you_ haven't been able to
upgrade to Sardine unstable for a couple of days now, but that doesn't
mean that Sardine in general is broken.  I (and others) actually use
it daily and it works great for me.

But of course, thanks for reporting the problem! :) Let's try to
figure it out.

> Preparing to replace dbus 0.61-osso28 (using .../dbus_1.0.2-0osso8_armel.deb) 
> ...
> Unpacking replacement dbus ...
> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dbus_1.0.2-0osso8_armel.deb 
> (--unpack):
>  trying to overwrite `/var/run', which is also in package ssh

Where did you install ssh from?

I tested upgrading 4.2007 to Sardine unstable and installed ssh and it
worked OK.

Both dbus and ssh _do_ contain /var/run, but that's OK since it is a
directory in both.  Right now, I suspect you have a freaky ssh package
that is causing the problems.

Try uninstalling ssh and reinstalling it again from the Sardine

>       mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/run/': No such file or directory

This is quite weird as well.  Can you try to figure out why

    mkdir /var/run/

fails?  Flash full?  /var is a symlink to a non-existing location?
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