
ext Steve Greenland wrote:
> According to Tim Teulings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> The first one - the one that I think you mean (and that I think is 
>> important and must be agreed on to initiate the process) - is the guide 
>> that defines the process. Of course an important part of the process is 
>> for example packaging. You a right in that we can copy most of such 
>> guides from debian. However it is likely that we have to modify this. 
>> For example we may need some additional headers for the in parallel 
>> discussed bug tracking client application. So here we agree :-)
> You know that Debian already has a mechanism to support this? Each
> package can have an "Origin: " field, and reportbug will lookup the
> appropriate BTS in /etc/dpkg/origins/*.
> Unfortunately, my google-fu is inadequate to find the documentation for
> this...or maybe it doesn't exist.

I found this:

        - Eero
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