What is the deal with the Chinook install instructions? - they contain 
lots of errors and mistakes it seems to me?

Im trying to install Scratchbox on an Ubuntu box.

I thought since it was like Debian I could just use the script. 

The URL for downloading the script is wrong. I found the correct 
URL and managed to download it. Following the instructions I run the 
install script as root and that fails (with an error saying that the 
script should not be run as root :-)

So I tried to download the packages manually and follow the 
official install docs. The instructions to add a URL to the repository 
also appear to contain the wrong URL - running apt-get update gives me a 
"404 Packages.gz not found" error.

So Im still scratching my head wondering how to install...

Here's what the script produces:

$ sudo ./maemo-sdk-install_4.0.sh 

This script will install maemo SDK 4.0 chinook release to your computer.

Install options
Do not download or install Nokia EUSA binaries (no)
Force remove of existing targets (no)
Alternative sources.list ('')

Target configuration for armel (CHINOOK_ARMEL)

Target configuration for i386 (CHINOOK_X86)

Checking for prerequisites

wget tool in path... /usr/bin/wget
Checking for dpkg tool in path... /usr/bin/dpkg
Running outside of scratchbox... yes
Script not run as user root... no
E: This script should NOT be run as user root.



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