On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 17:31 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What is the deal with the Chinook install instructions? - they contain 
> lots of errors and mistakes it seems to me?
> Im trying to install Scratchbox on an Ubuntu box.

Here's a good blog post describing the process for Ubuntu 7.10:

> I thought since it was like Debian I could just use the script. 
> The URL for downloading the script is wrong. I found the correct 
> URL and managed to download it. Following the instructions I run the 
> install script as root and that fails (with an error saying that the 
> script should not be run as root :-)
> So I tried to download the packages manually and follow the 
> official install docs. The instructions to add a URL to the repository 
> also appear to contain the wrong URL - running apt-get update gives me a 
> "404 Packages.gz not found" error.
> So Im still scratching my head wondering how to install...
> Here's what the script produces:
> $ sudo ./maemo-sdk-install_4.0.sh 
> This script will install maemo SDK 4.0 chinook release to your computer.
> Install options
> Do not download or install Nokia EUSA binaries (no)
> Force remove of existing targets (no)
> Alternative sources.list ('')
> Target configuration for armel (CHINOOK_ARMEL)
> compiler=cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm
> devkits=perl:debian-etch:maemo3-tools:cputransp
> cputransp=qemu-arm-0.8.2-sb2
> Target configuration for i386 (CHINOOK_X86)
> compiler=cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-i386
> devkits=perl:debian-etch:maemo3-tools
> Checking for prerequisites
> --------------------------
> wget tool in path... /usr/bin/wget
> Checking for dpkg tool in path... /usr/bin/dpkg
> Running outside of scratchbox... yes
> Script not run as user root... no
> E: This script should NOT be run as user root.
> $
> --
> A.
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Michael R. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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