Ive installed Scratchbox and now Im struggling with the Maemo install.

Im running the maemo-sdk-install script.

Is there a problem repository.maemo.org?

Im seeing this:

Failed to fetch 
Connection failed
Reading package lists... Done
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.
E: Unable to run 'apt-get update' on the target.
E: Please correct any network problems.
E: Scratchbox login returned error 100.

The installation process was unable to run 'apt-get update' inside
the installed targets in order to update the local package database.
This could be due to an error in network configuration inside scratchbox.
Common causes are incorrect proxy       settings and the 'hosts' line in
For the 'hosts' line in /scratchbox/etc/nsswitch.conf the following
should usually be enough:
hosts:          files dns

Once network issues have been resolved, you should run the installer again.

If I try that last URL in a web browser I get this error:

An error occurred while processing your request.

Reference #97.a510bb0c.1198184659.1107d1d9

I should disclose that I am behind a proxy server, but setting http_proxy 
worked before for the Scratchbox install.


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