On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 03:48:07PM +0300, Mikhail Sobolev wrote:
> > > Almost forgot to mention.  The script does not really have a project
> > > page anywhere.  It is also a toy project for me to see how well Bazaar 
> > > DVCS
> > > supports my needs (so far, it does well enough), so you can find the code
> > > at
> > >
> > > https://code.launchpad.net/~mishas/+junk/devel-mover
> >
> > Maybe it will be a good idea to create a garage project, so we can have
> > mailing lists for promotions etc? I think that current code is a big step
> > in the right direction, although we would need to add more features.
> Yes, I requested the project (devel-mover), but if it's OK, I'd like to
> keep it in bazaar.
The project was approved, its page is at:

Few words are available at

but we should continue using wiki for keeping our current state
regarding proposals and ideas.  I'll dig through the archives [I have]
to find out all relevant wiki pages and add links to the home page.

I believe we should not move the discussion into a separate mailing list
as the topic is important for all fellow developers [ok, for those who
use extras repositories :)].


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