On Thu, Jun 05, 2008 at 09:29:21PM +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 21:56:58 +0300, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> > 
> > (Actually, two, because http://maemo-sdk.garage.maemo.org/install.html
> > also worked for me, and seems a bit simpler to set up.  It's not the
> > official way though, and it's an early alpha version, so beware.)
> > 
> Had a look at  http://maemo-sdk.garage.maemo.org/install.html, and found
> the following fateful lines:
> > First, set up the following entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list file on
> > your Debian host. This will add the maemo-sdk host build tools repository.
> > If you have Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 on your host, please, add the following 
> > line into /etc/apt/sources.list:
> >    deb http://maemo-sdk.garage.maemo.org/download/host ubuntu-gutsy free
> > 
> > To install for Ubuntu Hardy 8.04, please, use the following URL:
> >    deb http://maemo-sdk.garage.maemo.org/download/host ubuntu-hardy free
> It seems to leave out the crucial line for a Debian host.

After going to


I see three distros there:


The install page also says

  This ALPHA-2.5 version of Maemo SDK+ has been tested on Ubuntu Gutsy
  and Hardy running on 32bit i386 architecture. It is recommended to use
  Ubunty Gutsy/Hardy Server but maemo SDK+ should work also with Debian
  unstable and testing.

Is anyone from the maemo-sdk garage project reading this list?  Anyway,
they have their own list, and forums, and a bug tracker, so you may want
to raise the question about Debian support there.

Marius Gedminas
I once asked an older coworker and Solaris guru what happened with the
Unix-haters list. He told me that it stopped being quite so funny once Windows
NT came along.
                -- the gnat at slashdot

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