Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> ext David Greaves wrote:
> You could try pygtk ( if performance or memory usage
> is not an issue for you.
It is.
Not a huge one, but I wanted an app that was as quick as I could reasonably make
it. Plus I wanted to play lower down the stack...

>> check = (GtkCheckButton*) gtk_check_button_new_with_label("aargh");
>> Since when does a constructor need type casting?
> I.e. you do the casts when using the object, not when creating it.
OK - so when I want to do something 'objecty' with it I cast it to that kind of

> And you don't use C casts but appropriate Gtk (or in above Hildon and
> Glib) casts which also assert that the casted object is of suitable
> type for that cast.
Not clear from the docs..
  gboolean            gtk_toggle_button_get_active        (GtkToggleButton

Which is technically correct but not best practice then?
Ah, I now see that it's mentioned in passing in the example. But it's not clear
in the api _specification_

Ah, I've also seen where it's declared when you make your own widgets... OK.
I'll do some rejigging and see how it turns out - thanks :)

>> So when can I
>>   maemo-rootstrap diablo50_Qt_armel
>> ? <grin>
> There's a garage project for Qt:
> Just click the "Click to install!" button.

This is still the old scratchbox1 SDK?
(I was hoping to be late enough to the game to miss the migration - I guess not
I'm using sdk+ on a Debian desktop for the other app.
If there's any interest then I'd be happy to help test the Qt4.
I've also just started throwing up Xen domains so I can have a few SDK vboxes..

Anyhow - downloading...

> There's now supposed to be (somewhere) Qt support for the N8x0
> device input method too which was a problem earlier.
Yell if you find it...

>     - Eero
> PS. I don't see much difference between how Gtk and Qt work.
> The difference between C and C++ is IMHO much larger. :-)

I think perhaps that is the issue - OO gui toolkits and C have a bit of an
impedance mismatch.

gtk_button_set_text(GTK_BUTTON(button), "sometext");

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