
On 6/12/08, David Greaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  This is still the old scratchbox1 SDK?
>  (I was hoping to be late enough to the game to miss the migration - I guess 
> not
>  <grin>)
Yes, it is.

>  I'm using sdk+ on a Debian desktop for the other app.
>  If there's any interest then I'd be happy to help test the Qt4.
You are welcome!
Actually Qt is not well integrated, but we are working on it.
I personally invite everyone to use Qt for maemo to develop new
applications for maemo.

>  > There's now supposed to be (somewhere) Qt support for the N8x0
>  > device input method too which was a problem earlier.
> Yell if you find it...
Qt applications can use the Hildon Input method via plugin.
And this is not the only code available for the input method.
Kate Alhoa annunced some time ago that the code for KDE3 is available,
and now it will ported to KDE4.
I had a look on it the last week, and it will be integrated in Qt soon.
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