
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Frantisek Dufka [mailto:duf...@seznam.cz] 
>Sent: 02 July, 2009 09:46
>Fremantle and Diablo released
>jarmo.ti...@nokia.com wrote:
>> BTW I think flasher is the only closed source tool we have 
>in maemo development environment. Or at least I do not know 
>any other binary only tool :).
>I think gcc/uclibc toolchain for initfs development would 
>qualify but it is much worse here, we even don't have the tool 
>(despite GPL) :-(

Good point and there actually are even more "closed" tools or tools that we do 
not publish in maemo.org but we use internally to develop certain components 
(especially for those that are very close to the HW as they may require HW 
vendor toolchain to be used).

When I said that we do not have other closed tools in maemo than flasher I ment 
tools that we publish in maemo.org. 

For initfs development (and development of some very hw related components like 
DSP, codecs, driverts,...) these have never been supported officially in maemo 
and so we have not released toolchain for them either.

There were plan to start supporting initfs development as we already support 
development of rootfs components and kernel/kernel modules but as Fremantle 
does not have initfs anymore these plans were not implemented. And I do not 
belive we have any plans to release toolchain for initfs development for Diablo 

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