ext Graham Cobb <g+...@cobb.uk.net> writes:

> If it isn't going to be fixed until Harmattan (which is presumably some time 
> away and may not ever run on current devices such as the N900)  then I think 
> it should be less hacky than a bunch of symlinks.  That is why I wanted to 
> see /opt promoted to an equivalent of /usr.

Hrrmm... I am not very optimistic about fixing this with a Fremantle
update.  On balance, though, I still think that the maemo-optify
approach gives the most gain for the least pain, even if we are in this
for a little bit longer.

Your approach of turning /opt into a proper prefix alonside /, /usr, and
also /usr/local is quite intrusive, I would say, as it potentially
affects all packages that have standard places to search.

We did this excersize early on with /var/lib/install, and while it is
possible, we never were sure whether we had succeeded completely and
there was always something to fix somewhere that didn't work right.  It
was a big relief to stop doing that and to just go with established
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