
2009/10/31 Attila Csipa <ma...@csipa.in.rs>:
> There is a definitely a conflict there. I support Jeremiah's suggestion that
> minor packaging/typo fixes that do not alter app functionality (e.g. when you
> go from 1.0-maemo0 to 1.0-maemo1) should not reset app karma. Should require
> some discipline so people would not abuse this, but still better than forcing
> releases to be spaced 10+ days no matter how large the changes or how simple
> the fix.

even more important: what if developer/users find a security bug that
should really be fixed as soon as possible?
In a normal Linux distribution, patched package is released and
available after few hours. Here it would pass lot of time before final
user can apply the patch.

Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it
PGP Key: http://www.andreagrandi.it/pgp_key.asc
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