On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 15:03, Aniello Del Sorbo <ani...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But how do we do it ?
> Here?
> Talk?
> Brainstorm?

I'd say we've had more intelligent thought and discussion here than
I'd expect on this topic on talk; and I don't think the
single-threaded nature of brainstorm with the limited pot of options
is useful for an in-depth technical conversation trying to build

> And, speaking of which, why don't we speak, again, about a system to
> rate an application ONCE it's been installed FROM
> inside App Manager so that a certain number of negative votes actually
> automatically pulls the app out of Extras?

Short version: it's not going to happen any time soon, if we want it
to be in the HAM shipped by Nokia.

If we want to build our own app, we need both the infrastructure on
the server and an easy to use app for rating stuff. More doable, and
Stskeeps was suggesting on #maemo that it picks up the app
starting/stopping to nag the user :-)



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