On Monday 08 March 2010 16:21:13 BenoƮt HERVIER wrote:
> - It s look like some users are here just to put thumb down just to
> gain some karma.

To elaborate on this a bit...

The mass-downthumbing people might see is just a temporary (?) solution to 
optimize testing resources. The idea is that it should be immediately visible 
that this package is NOT going to be promoted, so testers should not vaste 
their time on a particular package, since there is going to be a newer 
version which will require testing anyway. The worst case scenario is if 
someone who is not a regular tester thumbs ups a package that never gets to 
Extras, but fails to do so with the followup package that has the blockers 
fixed (because of lack of motivation, whatever). So, really, it's just a 
mechanism used as a replacement for not having a master/moderator that is 
able to instantly demote a package with a blocker. It's not a bunch thugs 
that go around extras-testing with a giant thumbs-down bat, even though this 
is not communicated too well to developers :(

And yes, I stated several times I do agree the bugtracker field is a pain that 
needs to be handled systematically and not fought over on a case-by-case 
basis. The first step (which is either already implemented, or just about to) 
is to filter this problem on promotion to -testing, so you don't wait 10 days 
just to figure out you made a mistake. The second step would be to make it 
easier/more automatic to insert the bugtracker. I.e. on upload of a new 
package, you could be asked if you wish to open a b.m.o. product for it, or 
have a garage tracker offered if the project is hosted there. You could 
obviously override these with the current XSBC field, but that IMHO would 
make things easier.

On a side note I would make screenshots (where applicable) also mandatory for 
promotion to -testing, on the same grounds as a bugtracker, but the 
ideas/message counter is in the red zone already, so I'm going to stop 
here... :)

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