On Monday 08 March 2010 18:24:05 you wrote:
> With such (unavailability) of information I cannot be sure if the tester
> found a new bug, which he did not state, or just found an existing bug (or
> is just collecting karma). Because of that I can never be sure, that my
> package goes through testing even after fixing all mentioned bugs. Please
> at least write a one sentence exmplanation for a thumb down that just give
> they keywords for already found bugs "e.g. something like, Thumbs down
> because of Bugtracker URL, About Dialog, spelling mistake as stated"). This
> should not slow down testing very much but avoid the developer feeling like
> he has just been hit by the spanish inquisition ;-)

AFAIK the only known issue that has 'regular' downthumbing is the bugtracker 
one and optification, and we (well, at least I do) ALWAYS make sure that there 
is a comment about that (though Emanuelle usually beats me to it :). I don't 
see a point in 10 'me too' posts, but if you thinks it helps, we can adopt 
that procedure, too (some would still complain about karma whoring as then 
even more karma would be dealt out). 

> I would also be happy that while an application already has a thumb down
> that further people test it to find more bugs (until there is a real
> blocker like not beeing able to install the application). A sequence of
> found one bug - fixed one bug - found one bug - fixed one bug.... is very
> anoying (ith this limited testing resources (which should better be named
> "the people nobody knows of that do excellent work" :-)).

My experience so far is that this does not work in practice. The number of 
testers is very few, and rarely do they come back for a second opinion in such 
a short period of time. Again, we can speculate, but if you check the stats, 
you will see that second and third updates have a VERY hard time gaining 
thumbs ups, so your interest as a developer is (if you have a certain blocker) 
to push in a new one ASAP. On the other hand, if it is NOT a blocker, your 
interest is (sadly) to keep it as is until it get promoted and then push the 
update immediately to gain feedback. Always have a version in the queue.

Before someone misunderstands - I don't think this is the best procedure, it's 
flawed in many ways, but it has merits, too. Let's do away with the drawbacks 
without throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

> As far as I now screenshot are part of the download page and just can only
> added after a download page has been created. A download page is created
> *after* promoting the application from extras-testing to extras. This is
> IMHO a bug in the process (if there is not another way I don't know about).

Yes, I was hoping to lobby to have that procedure changed.


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