On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Benno Senoner
<benno.seno...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> and the only responses I get back is that I should not "whine". No
> technical responses at all, how the latency can be lowered using other
> APIs etc..

The actual responses from both myself and Ville were that you're
really not in the right place for this kind of discussion, both
technical and political (=> forum). Not to stop whining.

Perhaps if you listened to that, you'd get feedback of the type you're after.

> But as said I will continue to point out possible flaws in Meego
> regarding audio backing my claims up with numbers and bencharking
> apps.

By all means. Just make sure you point them out in the right place. If
you're running MeeGo (as you keep mentioning), point them out to the
relevant channels inside MeeGo. (hint: probably not maemo-developers.)

OTOH, if you've found problems in Qt, which is as I recall the only
concrete issue you have mentioned so far, please report them, to Qt,
so they can be addressed.


Robin Burchell
maemo-developers mailing list

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