
        Out of curiosity, why not just compile it yourself?   According to
the Jack2 and PulseAudio sites they can work together with PA automatically
releasing the sound system for J2 when J2 needs it using DBUS.   So rather
than complain about it; just port it real quick and then you will have
actual numbers and the component you need to continue your work on your main
project.  :-D

        I'm not saying you aren't right that J2 offers a lot; it just that I
would venture a educated guess that Nokia will NOT waste resources to change
the underlying sound system on a OS (Maemo) that is at a EOL status.    As
for Meego, you need to obviously present a case on the Meego mailing list --
but since they already shipped a version; gutting the sound system may not
be something worth while that they would consider until a later major
version.    Although who knows, maybe they would -- and since it is Open
Source, and you can submit patches; if you actually got J2 running great on
Meego, that would make the process a whole lot easier for them to decide to


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Benno Senoner
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: Low Latency Audio Capture on the N900, QAudioInput BUG: has
5000msec latency, Meego audio future

I know that I'm a bit a repetitive person, but my intent is to raise an
alarm, that nowadays companies cannot afford to ship, half-finished,
half-baked, buggy systems, and moreover chose the vastly inferiour
(pulseaudio) open source component over the better (JACK2 audio server).
I reported my findings here, on the maemo-developers mailingslist, which is
read by Nokia engineers  too, and the only responses I get back is that I
should not "whine". No technical responses at all, how the latency can be
lowered using other APIs etc..

Sadly, this week Nokia stock again dropped like a rock, while Apple gets
preorders for 600k Iphone 4 in a day and have trouble to process all the
orders. Does that not ring  alarm bell at Nokia ?
As said nowadays either you deliver a smooth user experience (including
dropout free, low latency audio for apps) and make it easy for developers to
access that features, or your market share will continue to drop and drop.
It seems like Maemo will be end of lined soon so I'm not expecting Maemo
getting much improvements, but it's successor, Meego HAS to deliver a smooth
user experience.
I will continue those discussions on the Meego list and perform benchmarks
and tests so that everyone can see what the real numbers are and if there
are still problems regarding low latency audio. Unfortunately, given the
weak implementation of pulseaudio I fear that the prerformance will not be
I hope that I'm proved wrong
Did  Meego enginers  publish such numbers, yet ? eg what latency can be
achieved on certain hardware, audio dropout frequency etc ?

Execpt for technical discussions about audio I will not continue my long
diatribes on this list.
But as said I will continue to point out possible flaws in Meego regarding
audio backing my claims up with numbers and bencharking apps.
If the hardware is capable to be responsive, there is no reason why Meego
should not fully exploit it

The LinuxSampler Project

2010/6/16 Ville M. Vainio <>:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Benno Senoner 
> <> wrote:
>> I just represent a multimedia developer wanting to use the platform 
>> and point out the flaws in order to contribute to improve it.
> ... and that is appreciated. OTOH it's waste of typing to engage in 
> long diatribes about business models and whatnot here (such discussion 
> is more appropriate for
> --
> Ville M. Vainio
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