On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Benno Senoner
<benno.seno...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Sadly, this week Nokia stock again dropped like a rock, while Apple
> gets preorders for 600k Iphone 4 in a day and have trouble
> to process all the orders. Does that not ring  alarm bell at Nokia ?

Right, this is certainly not the appropriate medium for this kind of
discussion, but still I had the give my argument to stand up for those
who support and follow open source with concept operating systems and
platforms before it reaches the polish of the competitors, in sack of
open development process.

What Nokia does and has done with Maemo and MeeGo is yet unprecedented
from a commercial market point of view. Let me assure you that if you
communicate your issues you will get a serious response and if you're
right with your complaints action will be taken.

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