
ext Andy Mulhearn wrote:
So are you looking to move away from the System Upgrade := reflash device model? If so, then GOOD!
To be honest I prefer this route now, if only from the point of view
that if I bork my device I can reflash an image and get it working
I am not sure if there will always be flash image for each version of
the meta package, but there will always be reasonably recent flash
images so that upgrading from one to the latest 'patch level' should
not be daunting.

I suppose that depends on how reliable is the incremental flash process. If it's 100% then there should be no problems with what you suggest.
My only concern would be getting into a Windows XP-like situation where you 
reinstall with XP SP1 becaude that's what came with your system and then have 
to install SP2 and 100+ hotfixes to get back to where you were.

Microsoft have put a lot of effort into windows update to get around the fact 
that they can't redistribute windows CDs where with the N770/N800 we're in the 
reverse situation where redistribution of the firmware image is relatively 

It also occurs to me that when you reflash, you know you have to do a backup or you lose your data. The fact that when you boot for the first time with a fresh image, the N800 sees the backups and offers to reinstall your settings makes that a relatively painless process.
But if you can just apply a major firmware upgrade by accepting it in 
application manager and you don't think to backup first, what happens it goes 
wrong leaving you with an unworkable system?

Good point, I think the application manager should prompt user
to do a backup before trying to do a system upgrade.

Andy, voting for both the old and the new approach...

        - Eero

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