On Wednesday 19 March 2008 16:19:41 Marius Gedminas wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 04:14:33PM -0600, Mark wrote:
> > Has anybody tried one of those Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards with
> > their IT?
> Yes; it works fine, mostly.
> Every now and then a key gets repeated several times, lllllllllike this.
> > If I could get a decent keyboard and OpenOffice.org working with my
> > N800, I'd be in 7th heaven. (I've heard Abiword is being ported, but
> > I've tried it on my desktop and it's just not a workable alternative
> > for me.)
> OpenOffice.org on an IT?  I can't even imagine that.  It would be like
> stuffing an elephant into a Smart Car.

... and wouldn't that be a sight to behold ...  Of course there is always the 
flying pig ...
> Marius Gedminas

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