On Thursday 01 May 2008 21:13:05 Jonathan Markevich wrote:
> a) Oh boy another online registration!  And for Bugzilla!  Which is more
> annoying, the missing features or the way of reporting them?  (trick
> question, bugzilla of course).

The GPE bugzilla is the best place to record suggestions, if you are willing 
to deal with the overhead of that.  Second best is to join the GPE mailing 
list and make suggestions on that.  Third best is here.

> b) Ideas.  Not bugs.  Why a bug tracker...

One man's bug is another man's enhancement.  Having bugs and feature 
enhancements in the same system makes it easy to see both and move an item 
between the two categories.  It allows people to do things like add comments 
explaining why something should really be considered a bug not an enhancement 
and should be given a higher priority.

Also, it saves them getting lost and gives new developers a good place to go 
to see what sorts of things people need (both bugs and enhancements).

> c) This is n800 specific.  Does it go to Graham or upstream?  If Graham
> gets an idea, can he implement it or does it go upstream?  Does google tell
> me that?

I did not develop any of the GUI -- I am really not a GUI guy (give me a 
kernel device driver to play with for preference -- much more 
straightforward).  In GPE my main interests are Maemo packaging and 
synchronisation.  But I fix bugs sometimes as well.

It would really help if people could record their ideas and suggestions in the 
bugzilla, possibly after discussion here on on the GPE list.  There are very 
few active developers currently (in particular, the guy who did most of the 
work on gpe-calendar has left the project) so new features are likely to wait 
a while.  On the other hand, there have been a couple of people expressing 
interest in contributing to the project in the last couple of months and 
maybe one of these ideas would be something they would like to pick up.

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