On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Anne Nicolas <enna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> So here is the discussion about what isos we should keep or have for final
> release. We had several (many!) proposals on that topics and we need to take
> some decisions.
> Here are some prerequisites I can see for what I can read in comments and
> review about Mageia on the web.
> - provide a full open source software version
> - provide CD iso(s) so that it can be quick to download (people having low
> band-width or paying depending how much they use it)
> - provide live version(s)
> - decrease isos number. QA is just a hell on the set we had for Mageia 2
> - provide localization as large as possible
> - provide isos including major drivers including proprietary one to make it
> easier to install and configure
> Keep in mind that what you want is not necessarily what another one want. So
> let start proposals here and discussion. Please add all explanations to your
> proposal.

I would vote for
- Live DVDs (1 per arch)
- dual arch free CD
- dual arch nonfree CD

maybe we can replace the dual-arch CDs by enlarged boot.iso, need to
send more about it :)

I know machines with CD and not DVD still exist but I believe than in
> 99% of the cases they are either a server or an old machine which
will probably have a hard time running a recent KDE or GNOME

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