On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 02:07:52PM +0100, Anne Nicolas wrote:
> Le 08/02/2013 13:14, Olav Vitters a écrit :
> >On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 10:31:42AM +0000, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> >>  Q) Will we make persistent disk-based journals optional?
> >>    Yes: Makes it harder to ask a consistent question to extract debug.
> >>    No: Some people will moan.
> >
> >It is either persistent logging or logging in memory right? I assume
> >people won't understand that it'll log anyways, just in memory. So no
> >point in giving an option that does not do what people might expect.
> >
> Just one point about this. It was said during meeting that having
> journalctl by default could break some other software like fail2ban.
> This should be checked.

Some software relies on /var/log/messages and as such syslog. Journal
does not break anything. But if you then remove syslog, then result is
that such things will break.

Same for gnome-system-log. IMO we should fix that software which relies
on /var/log/messages (before 3 and if found afterwards, provide
updates). For unmaintained software, deal with it as any other.

/var/log/messages usually contains this weeks log messages. It is pretty
trivial to replace that with the output of journalctl.


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