On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Robin Anil <robin.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 3rd thing:
> > I am planning to convert the launcher code to implement ToolRunner.
> Anyone
> > volunteer to help me with that?
> I had wished to begin standardizing how we write these jobs, yes.
> If you see AbstractJob, you'll see how I've unified my three jobs and
> how I'm trying to structure them. It implements ToolRunner so all that
> is already taken care of.
> I think some standardization is really useful, to solve problems like
> this and others, and I'll offer this as a 'draft' for further work. No
> real point in continuing to solve these things individually.

One important question in my mind here is how does this effect 0.20 based
jobs and pre 0.20 based jobs. I had written pfpgrowth in pure 0.20 api. and
deneche is also maintaining two version it seems. I will check the
AbstractJob and see

> > 5th The release:
> > Fix a date for 0.3 release? We should look to improve quality in this
> > release. i.e In-terms of running the parts of the code each of us haven't
> > tested (like I have run bayes and fp growth many a time, So, I will focus
> on
> > running clustering algorithms and try out various options see if there is
> > any issue) provide feedback so that the one who wrote it can help tweak
> it?
> Maybe, maybe not. There are always 100 things that could be worked on,
> and that will never change -- it'll never be 'done'. The question of a
> release, at this point, is more like, has enough time elapsed / has
> enough progress been made to warrant a new point release? I think we
> are at that point now.
> The question is not what big things can we do -- 'big' is for 0.4 or
> beyond now -- but what small wins can we get in, or what small changes
> are necessary to tie up loose ends to make a roughly coherent release.
> In that sense, no, I'm not sure I'd say things like what you describe
> should be in for 0.3. I mean we could, but then it's months away, and
> isn't that just what we call "0.4"?
> Everyone's had a week or two to move towards 0.3 so I believe it's
> time to begin pushing on these issues, closing then / resolving them /
> moving to 0.4 by end of week. Then set the wheel in motion first thing
> next week, since it'll still be some time before everyone's on board.

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