On Sep 15, 2013, at 08:24 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Because the issue remains controversial, I will soon release 2.1.16
>final with the feature disabled by default, and will consider the
>message encapsulation approach or other possibilities based on
>experience with 2.1.16 for a 2.1.17 release perhaps early next year.

This makes sense to me, although I would label the feature "provisional" or
"experimental".  There just isn't any good experience here we can draw on, so
it seems reasonable to provide the knobs that will allow motivated folks to
gather such experience, but generally keep it out of the way for the majority
of users.

I suspect we still have a long way to go before we understand how DKIM and
mailing lists will work best together in practice, from the end-user's point
of view.

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