Murray S. Kucherawy writes:

 > I wonder how long we can hold out before we start trying to drag
 > [the MUA developers] into our conversations, which might be the
 > only way to solve these pain points long term.  It seems to me that
 > Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Thunderbird, etc., must have either a team or an
 > individual that spends time thinking about and testing user-visible
 > solutions to these problems, so perhaps it's time to start asking
 > them for help.

To be honest, I don't think they really care.  Even larsi, who never
saw an internet-draft he wouldn't implement, is not terribly
systematic about it -- as long as things are smooth between Gnus
users, well, tough luck for the rest of the world.  When I was talking
to MUA developers about best practices for dealing with reply-to-list
the basic response was "we already have a function for that" or
"sounds great, patches welcome".  The Mozilla people were clearly much
more interested in features like calendars and vcards.

I think it's important we get started on it (and maybe I can
contribute something now that GSoC is almost over), but I don't have
much hope that the MUA developers will put a high priority on it.
It's not really in their purview (see Franck Martin's comments about
MUA irrelevance in this thread, for example, and he's not even an MUA

And of course the worst offender is Microsoft, which AFAICS is
somewhat actively undermining the RFC 822 standard for reasons I don't

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