on 12/20/08 1:54 PM, Lindsay Haisley said:

Well I'm probably not doing as effective a job of pre-filtering as you
are at UT.

And what we're doing for python.org and ntp.org can't match those numbers, either.

For ntp.org, we do pretty much the same as you -- use a few RBLs up-front, and then SpamAssassin on the back-end. What I want to do for the next version of the mail system there is to pull the RBLs into policyd-weight under postfix (so that we can apply SpamAssassin-like scoring into the RBL process), and not do any direct RBLs. I'd also like to make sure that SpamAssassin is set up to run interactively.

For python.org, we're already running policyd-weight plus SpamBayes. In the future, I'd like to see us pull SpamBayes into interactive mode.

For both sites, I want to look at pulling in reputation scoring systems like SenderBase, and get those incorporated into the process before handing off the remainder to the content-based scanning tools.

As always, your advice and concerns are well-considered, Brad.  I do
need to accept a certain amount of this stuff, consistent with the
requirement that 100% of legitimate email be delivered (and SA is far
from perfect), and because I'm a SOHO business, and a small one at that,
I can't afford dedicated analytical appliances and proprietary software
for this, most of which is outside my budget.  There's doubtless more I
can do.

You have a lot of options available to you, and you need to decide what you want to do and how you want to do it. We can help you with that to a degree, but there are limits to what we can do. And right now, Mailman doesn't have the best anti-spam features. That is something we want to address, but we're not there yet.

Brad Knowles
<b...@shub-internet.org>        If you like Jazz/R&B guitar, check out
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