As it turns out, as I was hitting 'Send', Christian F Buser posted:
I am just a user of a Mailman 2 installation on cPanel. And I am reading here 
because i get some answers to my questions and help if something goes wrong.

As long as cPanel bundles MM2, I need from time to time some support from the 
real experts. And even if MM2 would not be improved at all in the future, I 
hope that this list will stay alive.
... which is a much more succinct version of what I was trying to say.  And perhaps I should have substituted "needs" for "requirements", in order to avoid any intimation of a demand.  I am genuinely grateful for all the help I've received, primarily from following other admins' issues reported here.

Ironically, I was writing in support of Mark's and Stephen's position on the matter.  As a member of Mark's cohort, the odds are I'll never need a "New! Improved!" MM2, or MM3.


On 9/13/2020 6:00 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 9/13/20 12:39 PM, Chip Davis wrote:
Speaking as _a_ user, my requirements are simple:
   1.  MM2 must continue to work,
   2.  support must continue to be provided.

Any proposal that jeopardizes those fundamentals must be rejected.

By "support", I mean everything except new functionality: bug fixes,
installation/administration hand-holding, dumb questions not properly
answered by the user community, the occasional "Why does Mailman do
this?" query, and any number of issues that depend on the encyclopedic
institutional knowledge residing in Mark's and Stephen's crania.

This includes structural changes to way email is handled (DMARC,
encryption, etc.).  This does not include additional language tables, or
any of the issues on my personal laundry list of "I sure wish Mailman
had a way to ...".

This thread started because I refused to accept a merge request to add a
new feature, hCAPTCHA, to the subscribe form. The reason I gave was "no
new features", although I have other reservations about CAPTCHAs in general.

I think I have made my position clear and I think it includes my doing
all the things Chip wants, although I'm 78 years old, and it's not
unlikely that I will die before Mailman 2.1 finally does.

What I am opposed to is third parties making changes to the code base
and expecting me to continue to make releases, so I ask that any
potential group of Mailman 2.1 developers either fork the project in
which case, they can do whatever they want with their fork, or if they
want to commit changes to the Mailman 2.1 branch on Launchpad that they
be willing to take over the entire job.

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