On 2015-02-18 02:24, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

I used to have a lot of rules that moved both received and sent mails
to folders per person/company/project etc. Always fretting where to
stora mail, "Is this more project or company or …".

With MailMate I dump everything I have processed in to "Archive" and
let all sent mails stay in "Sent". Quick and easy.

True, and MailMate's smart folder feature is indeed a thing of beauty. However, after twenty years of using and dealing with email, of having loved Eudora until it expired, of having been forced to use Outlook under various flavors of Windows, of having used Apple Mail until its integration with Gmail broke horribly, and finally having moved my mail from Gmail to a personal host with MailMate as my primary (but not unique) mail access program, I'm not willing to file my mail in such a way that *only* MailMate will be able to intelligently retrieve it for me. My mail client must be smart enough to file my mail where I can find it without the use of my preferred mail client. And so I depend on rules.

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