On 13 Aug 2015, at 22:48, Shoshanna Green wrote:

But if it's working for you, clearly it should work! Would it help to send you a crash report? Or I guess you've got both of today's crash reports already, because I've ticked that box in Preferences-General. Well, not that I think this should be a higher priority than HTML support, but I'd be glad of help to get it working.

Based on the crash reports, it would help if you launch from a Terminal window and then send me any output after a crash:


It appears MailMate crashes when trying to parse a query string. You can send it off list.

I can also see I should have provided a more detailed example like this:

#recipient.address =[c] $'imap://u...@imap.example.com/AddressListMailbox'.#unquoted

Here `AddressListMailbox` is an IMAP mailbox containing a single message with all of the email addresses -- one per line.

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