Hi folks

I'm a huge fan of mailmate but in recent months (I think largely since the last OS update) it's bordered on unusable for me. I see the spinning pizza for on average ten seconds when I hit 'reply' and frequently when I click on a different message. Or it might take that long as I try to add an address to a new message. Even typing appears in fits and starts.

I'm using a 2010 Mac Pro with 20 gigs of RAM, an SSD start-up connected via PCIE. Almost the only time it's sluggish is with MM. I have multiple accounts with thousands of emails.

This is not a moan or a complaint; I recognise I'musing an old machine, albeit maxed-out. I'm asking for informed suggestions about how to reduce whatever load I'm putting on the app so that it can be snappy. Eg reducing the number of accounts? I don't want to just try things that take quite a while to actually do (ie switching the less-used ones to Mail). Or perhaps that won't do any good. I would consider a new SSD (but as I said, everything else seems pretty responsive).

Any suggestions about things to turn off or avoid very welcome.

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