It also has to do with people not understanding DSN. Seriously they are
ugly and hard to find the relevant information in them...

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Ian Eiloart <> wrote:

> > On 8 Dec 2015, at 18:31, Franck Martin <> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, reject
> >
> > It seems that email systems that send you a DSN because of a temporary
> rejection are becoming rarer…
> Well, that might be an artefact of more reliable mail systems, and market
> concentration around medium and large mail providers that tend to fix
> things quickly when they do go wrong. I think Exim has a default first
> warning after 24 hours.
> But really, that’s not the responsibility of the recipient’s mail
> provider, it’s the responsibility of the sender’s mail provider.
> --
> Ian Eiloart
> Postmaster, University of Sussex
> +44 (0) 1273 87-3148
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