On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 2:44 AM, Klaus Ethgen <klaus+mai...@ethgen.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> Am Sa den  4. Feb 2017 um 18:55 schrieb Andreas Schamanek:
> [One who witlessly blocks all hetzner IPs]
> > > I host lua-l, a large mailing list both in terms of subscribers and
> > > postings, on Hetzner.  The only people we ever have deliverability
> > > problems with are Gmail, and that's only for an hour or two at a time.
> >
> > Same for my private server at Hetzner. And those rare temporary delays
> > when delivering to Gmail might not even be reputation based but rather
> > due to Gmail's internal mechanics.
> Microsoft is the only one I have problems. It is true that I seen
> sometimes delays to google but they are rare and nothing I worry about.
> I hear from others that they mails gets in the spam folder on google but
> I never seen that with mine.
> Moreover, some time ago I drove a spam^W mailserver for a company and
> even with that we had no problems with google. (Yahoo was more a
> factor.)

Generally speaking, we've seen issues with Hetzner as well, and their
netblock and asn reputations are crap in our systems as well, but we
generally have some smarts for allowing for the possibility of good eggs in
a bad block.  It's not perfect, especially given what we tend to see, which
is compromised boxes that can go from minimal to zero mail to millions in a

Your block seems relatively clean.

I would also point out that it's easier to attract bees with honey than
with vinegar.  Casting aspersions and assumptions of bad faith may make you
feel better, but are not likely to get you much help.

The complaints about javascript are also cute.

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