On 2019-07-18 21:06, Steven Champeon via mailop wrote:


Yeah, whatever. I've had rulesets that block webmail-injected 419/AFF
scams for over a decade and Google is among the few who I still get them
from because I can't tell if the IP is in West Africa thanks to this
idiotic "policy". It's just stupid.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if Google has anyone employed to work with abuse? At all?

I've been receiving the same Nigerian spam mail from the same 2-3 Gmail accounts for... 5? years now. It's been reported over and over again - hundreds of times by now. First reported the (according to google) "proper" way through "I would like to report a Gmail user who has sent messages that violate..." for a few years. Nothing happened, spamming from the same gmail accounts continued. Then in the past year I've just been forwarding it to ab...@gmail.com, but it seems like there's nobody there either - script or human. The spamming continues.

The easy and sane way is to handle this is to just silently delete these mails, but I find it annoying that Google thinks they're big enough to ignore abuse and spam from their servers (while they on the other hand can block whatever for whatever unknown reason, since they are google). And it's even more annoying that they're probably right.

/ J

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