Dnia  7.10.2019 o godz. 09:24:26 Brielle via mailop pisze:
> Email isn’t a public utility or a right.  I’m a DNSbl maintainer - myself
> and others have battled this out over the last 20 years to ensure that
> even the courts recognize that.
> The fact you can send email to this list, is because someone is being nice
> enough to let you do so - they are under no obligation (legal or ethical)
> to do so.
> Gmail is the same way.  They own their servers - not you.

Ah, where are the times when the Internet was about mutual understanding and
co-operation by the admins, to maintain highest possible connectivity... And
if someone didn't get their email delivered, admins from both sides treated
this as a high priority issue...

Now it's courts, lawyers and "my ownership, I can do whatever I want, I have
no obligations..."

Time to die... :(
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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