On 14.10.19 20:57, Michael Wise via mailop wrote:
> Having the mail bounce at the edge is a VERY useful signal for any spammers 
> trying to enhance their deliverability.

Not bouncing mails at edge is a very useful signal for any spammer too,
because he delivered an email and is getting paid?

Spammers also enhance their deliverability by all kinds of tracking
nonsense you still allow them to use.

> This question has different answers depending on if you're guarding 1 
> mailbox, 10 - 100,000 or over a million.
> The larger the number of mailboxes, the more we need to do filtering 
> post-DATA.

Of course I don't have the experience in the last category, but I'd like
to learn. Why can't you reject emails post-DATA?

Is it a performance issue? Google or Bing find 935.000.000 search
results in 0,60 seconds for the word "spam", but they can't do a spam
check in that amount of time?

You can still have users mark mails as spam and improve your filters.

And you can still learn about false positives - just not by your user,
but the sender of an email (or by the user after the sender contacted
him in a different way). Or if the user explicitely allows a sender by
adding them to their address book or whatever - as you do already.

And yes, I am trolling a little or playing devils advocate in this
matter. Reason being that I feel that we just rely on a mechanism that
has a lot of issues and that might be done better if someone more
intelligent and experienced than me did think about it instead of
accepting this as given.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
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