On 2021-01-20 05:10, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:

On one hand, UCEPROTECT is relatively aggressive, and their unlisting policy is 
at least questionable. However, running
a blacklist incurs costs in terms of server time and admin time, so if they 
provide access for free, how should they
recover their costs?

On that note, let me tell you all a story:

I (with assistance of others) wrote RFC6471 ("Overview of Best Email DNS-Based List (DNSBL) Operational Practices") way back in 2012. It has a section called "conflict of interest" where delisting for a fee (for charity or otherwise) was considered a MUST NOT - due to its appearance of extortion.

At the time, only SORBS and UCEPROTECT were doing "fees", in SORBS case, the fees went to charities. I was told directly by UCEPROTECT that the fees were "beer money" for the volunteers, and NOT to recover costs.

RFC6471 was in its final stages of discussion within the ASRG before pushing upwards for IETF final editting and approval. UCEPROTECT took great exception and attempted to extort me (and another author who wasn't active at all at the time) personally to take that section out. They turned off UCEPROTECT removals entirely, directed listees to complain to me (and the co-author) personally, and everyone went away for the weekend.

The uproar was in the ASRG, and people like John Levine will remember it well. The UCEPROTECT spokesperson was quite gleeful about the impending mailbomb.

I told them that if they didn't stop doing this by the Monday, I'd have to report it to my Corporate Security and Legal departments as an attack upon the company.

There was a mad scramble on their side and they finally got it stopped.

UCEPROTECT's customer base seems fairly small, most of it in Germany where apparently they have secured some commercial contracts under some sort of "buy German" doctrine.

As a FYI, SORBS was also present in the conversation and acted entirely professionally throughout the whole thing. A few months later SORBS informed me that they had dropped their charitable donation request.

And, oh, the mailbomb? Precisely 4 angry emails, of which every one of which, once I explained the situation, encouraged to not give in to UCEPROTECT.

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