Dnia 28.04.2021 o godz. 10:19:17 Noel Butler via mailop pisze:
> What's so hard about 1 ?
> What do we do with any S.P. that emits tonnes of crap, we block
> them, often outright, nothing hard about that.
> It shouldn't matter how big a company is, it certainly didn't 20
> years ago when most people here who were around at the time would
> have blocked AOL
> for the exact same thing, yet people are scared to block the
> freemailers these days, why, it's those actions that force said
> companies to pull their finger out of their arse and clean up their
> network, if they don't, well, like i said,  AOL, they become
> irrelevant.

From "normal" people (ie. not email-related professionals like on this
list) that I correspond with, about 70% have email addresses on Gmail. There
are also numerous companies that use Gsuite for their work email (and among
them are really big corporations, like my employer). The popularity of
smartphones and mobile applications has a big impact on this. So blocking
Google is like blocking 70% or more of your possible correspondents. If you
can afford this, then good luck, but most people cannot. Google just grew
too big and for a small email operator (and almost everyone is small
compared to Google) blocking Google will hurt themselves more than it will
hurt Google.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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