* Vsevolod Stakhov via mailop:

> I would still recommend to use Rspamd for regular expressions
> matching.

That figures. :-)

> you won't need any other milters when using Rspamd: no OpenDKIM/DMARC,
> no additional spam/bayes engine, even no AV milters - all these tasks
> could be done via Rspamd plugins and/or Lua API if you want more.

While I respect and appreciate all your work regarding Rspamd, there are
of course custom milters which are completely unrelated and therefore do
things well outside the scope of Rspamd.

The both of us have had a similar discussion regarding design philosophy
in the past, and I expressed my personal opinion: I find that Rspamd
tries too hard to combine too many features, and running Rspamd is at
times overkill. There are definitely scenarios where Rspamd fits the
bill, but other scenarios where it does not, and I prefer to choose my
own mix (or, in various cases, program custom elements myself).

However, this appears to be drifting quite off topic.

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