Dnia  2.06.2021 o godz. 08:57:18 Michael Rathbun via mailop pisze:
> In the past six days of logs on the tiny server I run (friends, family,
> personal business) 97.3% of all connection attempts were hostile in some form
> (spam, dictionary attacks, malefactions NOI).  88% of all SMTP sessions were
> spam delivery attempts.  I do have about a 2% false positive rate, still, even
> though the filtering system has been personally crafted over the past 20
> years.

False positives are a normal thing.

Tuning the spam filtering when an FP occurs is a normal thing.

However, this tuning has to be done proactively. NOT doing the above and
solely relying on the users to complain that they didn't get mail is NOT a
normal thing however.

At least they should react to complains from the senders as well as to
complaints from their users. Especially when mail is delivered to Spam/Junk
folder, as it is well known that the users don't look there.

They should create some reliable procedure for this. Once I was blocked at
mail.ru, and I was amazed how smooth their process for clearing a FP was. So
it is definitely possible.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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