On Tue, 2021-10-05 at 18:15 -0700, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:
> larger providers are their own special targets.

Thank you for sharing with us the perspective of a Big service
provider, and how you deal with annoyances on that exa-scale.

> We also see spammers try to use Gmail to spam other

I allow myself to draw your attention to two annoyances, to which
Google is at least a contributing factor if not the culprit, on a scale
that is sufficiently large to warrant some sort of filtering /
automation, or better, supression at the sender (Google).

(A) the calendar invite/reminder.  I understand the convenience, to
some, of emailed invite/reminders when a user creates a calendar entry
and adds contacts.  However, whether the meeting is legit or not, I
have not granted permission to the user to spam me with
invites/reminders; and I have not granted permission to Google to spam
me with a proposition to create a calendar on its system on every
reminder that I have not replied whether I will attend or not the
meeting.  I have my reasons not to reply to calendar invites / publish
my intention to attend.  I have my reasons to hate external reminders
with a passion.  And I have my reasons not to use Google's services. 
At the very least, I would expect Google to offer an opt-out mechanism
per recipient (and, also per domain) that does not require the user to
create an account with Google.  And I would expect Google to accept no-
answer for an answer instead of repeating the invite/reminder multiple
times.  Even once is too many, i.e. spam.

(B) the "help us keep your account safe" reminder.  While in (A) Google
is merely a contributing factor, this one is all on Google.  It affects
Google Accounts that are associated with a third-party email address. 
I must maintain one Google account for things that cannot be done
without Google Account.  It is a bare-minimum Google Account with need-
to-know information only.  When I log into it, it verifies my email
address by email me a six digits temporary code, so I can only log in
if I am in control of the email address associated with that account. 
And yet, invariably, a day or two after I log into that account I get
the annoying "help us keep your account safe" reminder in which Google
asks me to click on an URL to confirm that I still have access to the
email address.  That reminder also keeps coming in regular, too
frequent intervals.  Once a year I could understand/tolerate, though a
user should be allowed to opt-out of the practice all together, without
requiring the user to deliver to Google any further information.

Thanks for your consideration.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

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