> On Jan 17, 2022, at 11:06 AM, John Levine via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> wrote:
> It appears that Grant Taylor via mailop <gtay...@tnetconsulting.net> said:
>> What if we had something like an MX record published for the IP 
>> address(es) in reverse DNS / <d>.<c>.<b>.<a>.in-addr.arpa for 
>> <a>.<b>.<c>.<d> and configure those MX records to route to a mail server 
>> of the owners / administrators of the IP (space) in question?
> This idea has been floated before and misses the point.
> It is quite simple to use RDAP to get the abuse contact email for
> anyone who has provided the info to their RIR.  I do it all the time.
> The problem is that too many operators don't bother.  If they don't
> tell the RIR, they are not likely to spend effort putting extra
> stuff in their rDNS.

What do you do when abuse complaints are just observably bounced or blackholed, 
and not accepting email from gma^W that provider isn't an option?

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