On 1/17/22 11:49 AM, Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
Do reverse DNS entries support the TXT structure?

I can't remember the last time I used it to say with any certainty. But would completely expect that it would. Remember, reverse DNS is simply a permutation to a forward DNS query to an ARPA subdomain.

Why not just create a special, specific TXT record for a contact email address?

I like John's suggestion of reviving the Responsible Person record - RFC 1183. = IN      RP      abuse.example.net. 
2.0.192.in-addr.arpa.   IN      RP      abuse.example.net. 
abuse-info.example.net. IN TXT "Please contact Example's support desk at abuse (at) example (dot) net."

I assume that if there isn't an RP record at a given level, that the parent level would be able to route the abuse report to the proper child level contact which they would be in the position to know about. E.g. no RP for thus use the RP for 192.0.2 = 2.0.192.in-addr.arpa.

Or an IP address has to reverse back to a hostname - put the TXT record in that DNS zone.

I don't think it's good to /rely/ or /depend/ on PTR records resolving IPs to host names. If they do, great. But prepare for them to not do so, or worse, be disinformation.

Re: other comments - I'd want to avoid additional complexity for the time being.

I'm willing to listen to any suggestions, but I have absolutely no pull within the industry to make things happen.

I'm in a similar position myself.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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