On 2022-05-06 at 13:13:54 UTC-0400 (Fri, 6 May 2022 11:13:54 -0600)
Grant Taylor via mailop <gtay...@tnetconsulting.net>
is rumored to have said:

On 5/6/22 10:33 AM, Jarland Donnell via mailop wrote:
Isn't that a bit of an overreaction? If you didn't want any undesirable traffic you'd whitelist IPs in your firewall or run it on LAN. It's a very standard expectation that other servers will hit yours without your consent on the public internet.

I too believe that having something connected to the Internet without a firewall (et al.) filtering the connections is implicit agreement for someone to connect to the port.


If someone were to try opening my front door in the name of "research" there is a non-zero chance that they would have a very unpleasant experience involving a machete and were that to happen, the police would not arrest me. (See "castle doctrine")

Scanners should expect hostile reactions. Not machete-to-the-face hostile, but hostile. The best of them are programmatic trespassers.

If for nothing other than lack of steps to prevent them from doing so.

In my opinion, being on the Internet is very much akin to being in public. You have exceedingly little, if any, expectation that someone won't try to connect to any port that they can communicate with.

As a Linode user, I would also prefer it if you didn't block Linode addresses carte blanch.

Given the non-transparency I've seen with Linode, you can expect to encounter blockage as collateral damage. If you're domiciled by Linode in the vicinity of "researchers" who randomly wander the net trying random ports without clearly and openly documenting their "research" you can expect to be treated similarly to your neighbor, if your landlord doesn't make it very clear who is who.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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