is the Google developer
information about dynamic email, that link was about controlling the
content with Google Workspace.

The standardization is via AMP, docs at and a
pretty short list of other providers who support it.

The death of email will come from outside the eco-system, not from
individual attempts to extend it.  And death is probably a ways off, more
like email is going the way of postal mail, rarely used for personal
communication and more for
receipts and confirmations and work.... for a while it seemed like RSVPs
were moving to FB or whatever, now I don't even know.  User surveys and
more in-depth discussions with folks, especially skewing younger, is very
interesting if
you want to know how perceptions of email are...


On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 4:44 PM Tobias Fiebig via mailop <>

> Heho,
> The gmail feature 'dynamic email' [1] just flew by me, and I was somewhat
> wondering whether this is google proprietary, or if there is some
> standardization going on (already completed?) which I missed.
> From the product page it currently looks more like an integration in the
> google ecosystem;
> Either way, I believe that this might be something to have a discussion
> on. If it is backed by open standards, there are some interesting
> discussions to be had re: impact of such a feature in terms of
> security/privacy.
> If this is a google-ecosystem only feature, I'd kind of like to put on my
> doom-sayer hat and claim that this smells a bit like the death of XMPP;
> While technically still email (and currently integrated with the rest of
> the world), google is in a rather dominant market position (~15% of
> domains, iirc), and such individual-actor product decissions may actually
> send quiet some ripples through the email ecosystem as a whole (Why didn't
> you RSVP? I send you an RSVP request from my gmail?!). (Not saying that
> email's UX can be a tad dusty... but changes like this might really benefit
> from a really concious engagement with the potential implications.)
>  So, apart from my rather centralization-critical gut reaction... what do
> you think about features like this being added by individual ESPs and its
> impact on how email will develop?
> With best regards,
> Tobias
> [1]
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